There are Three Types of People...

Just a place to share my thoughts.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It use to be so simple!

I had mom send me some of my baby pictures and I was thinking about how much simpler life seemed when I was little. Today I have been thinking about grading, taxes, car rentals, ward activities and other assorted grown up tasks. I think I would like to just go back to the day when I could put on a sweat band, chew on some pens and not have a care in the world. I guess I will just be have to be happy with the cute pictures and be glad that I have become at least a little more independent.


Ann said...

Awwww you are so cute! The scary thing is that I remember you at this age! You were my favorite because I finally had a sister!

Jeff said...

Sometimes I have those exact same thoughts. But then I remember how much little precious Jeff yearned for the days when I could live like an adult and do whatever I want. I think the extra freedom is worth the extra responsibility. But I would like to take a vacation just to chill and chew on some pens some time. By the way, those pictures are more precious than I can possibly imagine.`

Melissa said...

What a good lookin' kid! I'm right there with you this week - I just want to let someone else deal with all the craziness and stress. Let's get matching sweat bands.