Well, here is the basic outline of the trip. We drove out on Thursday (Stopping in Vegas for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory!). Friday, we spent all day at Magic Mountain (or at least most of us did, we only had a couple of people who couldn't handle the heat or the rides). Saturday was the day we spent at the beach. I was in the group that decided to go Geo cashing (I think that is how you spell it, well at least that is how you say it) on the beach, and I ended up bolder hopping for at least a mile in flip flops. It was fun and we found so really awsome rock formations and tide pools. Well, Saturday night was the night we went to see Wicked at the Pantages theater in Hollywood. It was a beautiful show and I am glad I was able to see it again (I saw it in San Fran.). Sunday was church and the drive home so it was just a quiet day. I actually drove all the way from Baker to Orem so I wasn't as relaxed. 
Overall the trip was a success, and I had tons of fun with my friends. I would do it again in a heart beat.
i am so glad that you were able to go see the show again! I would do anything to go see it...well, ok. not ANYTHING, but close. you know me. wicked thru and thru.
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