There are Three Types of People...

Just a place to share my thoughts.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eating Better!

I have this on going battle with my weight and I think I am winning right now! Lately I have been making such good choices in the food I am eating and making for dinner. My favorite so far was I made a mock version of th California Pizza Kitchen Thai Chicken pizza. I am very proud of myself, and it even tasted good with a whole wheat crust.

Lots of fresh veggies on top make it taste light and delicious!

This is what I came home to and I was a bit worried that the pizza wouldn't turn out good.

The whole wheat dough.

Cooking it up!

Final beautiful product!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Now is the time for FUN!

Ok, so I haven't been the best blogger as of late. I figured that Jeff does such a good job of keeping everyone informed of the things we are doing and entertaining them along the way that I haven't really had much to say.

Well, here is the quick update from my side of life.
-I just finished Parent/Teacher conferences for the second and last time for this school year! Yay!
-I have been called as the YW camp director and have no idea what I am doing. I have been with little ones for so long that I have forgotten how to teach big people. I think I like it when I am taller then most of the people I am teaching.

Now for the fun news! I got a new DSLR camera! I am having so much fun getting to know all about how to use it and what it can do with photos. It has been a long time since I have done some serious photography so I am a bit nervous to get back into it, but excited at the same time. Well, I hope to take and post some great pics soon (the jelly beans were taken with the new camera and I put them up to celebrate Spring and Easter coming soon).